Every Scholar participates in summer programming, a cornerstone of the HighSight experience.
- First Year Bridge Program
The summer before entering high school, the first-year students attend afternoon academic sessions where they focus on reading, math, character development and study skills. It is part of the extra edge that sets a HighSight scholar apart from other students. The summer culminates with a three-day leadership and team-building workshop.
- Sophomore Bridge Program
During their second summer, scholars participate in a variety of activities throughout their summers with a writing course, ACT prep, academic skill-building and college knowledge workshops.
- Summer Internships and Leadership Program
The summer before junior year, the scholars are employed with paid summer internships to introduce them to the financial services sector, law firms, government offices and medical research. The goal is to give the students a look into the business world and other career opportunities. Independent Summer Experiences
All rising seniors are required to attend a multi-week summer experience outside of Chicago. The students attend independent summer programs including residential programs at prestigious boarding schools and colleges or learning-abroad programs to places like China, Ghana, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Morocco, and Turkey.International
All of these programs are designed for good reason: our scholars see positive results.
Freshmen Bridge
Sophomore Bridge
Junior Leadership & Internship
Senior Independent Summer